Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Romeo and Juliet. Bogie and Bacall. Some of history's greatest love stories continue to inspire us. So on February 14th, when all our attention turns to love, we thought we'd share a few of our favorite love stories from BRC! Read on for our top three picks...
We also want to express our heartfelt thanks for your generosity in response to the need for a new refrigerator. Within a single day we received more than enough to cover the cost. The new fridge arrives today!

Did you know Red-tailed Hawks mate for life? One of our all-time favorite BRC love stories is about a mated pair who suffered a separation due to injury. Their story is one of resilience and devotion and has the happiest of endings.
It all began on July 4th, 2019...
Early in the afternoon, we received a call from a Sebastopol resident who was an avid observer of a special pair of hawks who had been frequenting his property for over six years. He had discovered one of them injured on the ground. Expecting an answering machine because of the holiday, he was happily surprised when we picked up his call for help. Within half an hour, under the concerned and watchful gaze of his mate, we had rescued the bird and were headed back to BRC.
The initial exam revealed injuries consistent with being hit by a car: road rash, bruising and abrasions, and damaged feathers. He was immediately started on pain medications and antibiotics while we observed him closely for signs of neurological trauma. A band on his leg from the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory helped us confirm he was at least 15 years old. This made him a seasoned survivor, and made us even more determined to help him soar through the skies once more.
After ten days in care, he was still experiencing a loss of sensation in his right foot, and he was unable to fly, although he could display a pretty credible threat pose when confronted! With time, he improved enough to begin gentle physical therapy and flight conditioning. Slightly over a month later, he was given a clean bill of health and a new set of tail feathers using a process called imping (the manual replacement of lost or damaged feathers to facilitate earlier release and one of our specialties!) Following that, he was cleared for release.
Now this is where the story gets even better...
Once back on familiar ground at the finder's property, he was given a few moments to get his bearings before being gently set free. He immediately shot up into the sky, circling overhead. Within seconds, the air filled with the sound of his mate's joyful screeches as she flew straight to him. Though our cameras tried to keep pace, it proved impossible as the pair soared together, jubilantly circling and weaving in an intricate aerial dance, ever higher in the sky until they literally disappeared from sight.
This remarkable journey of healing and reunion continues to warm our hearts. It's a living testament to the power of love and the enduring spirit of nature.

Among our resident Ambassadors are three divas, Great Horned Owls who have participated in our education program for many years. The oldest, Wowl, is our grande dame at 37 years old. Jazz (pictured here) and her sister Vihar are 20 and 21, respectively. All three came to us because they had imprinted on humans as youngsters and were unable to hunt and survive in the wild on their own, yet even in captivity, the heart wants what it wants...
Every year about this time we hear the deeper hoots of male Great Horned Owls from the trees surrounding BRC. They come courting our girls, who enthusiastically answer with sultry calls of their own. Alas, riding off into the sunset is not in the cards for these ladies, but they do get to experience motherhood in their own way...
Following the exchange of calls, which is part of the mating ritual, our younger girls lay eggs almost every year. Although these eggs haven't been fertilized by a male and are therefore non-viable, it still triggers all the natural instincts of a Great Horned mom.
As they sit on their eggs, their behavior becomes highly protective and aggressive, earning them a period of "maternity leave". The normal brooding period for this species is about a month, after which time we gently and carefully remove the eggs allowing them to return to their normal temperaments, activities and behaviors.
While some might draw parallels to star-crossed lovers and unrequited love, in reality our girls are simply experiencing what nature intended and what their wild counterparts do during mating season.
Happy Talon-tines Day, Ladies!

William Shakespeare once wrote that adversity makes strange bedfellows. And while we make every attempt to create natural habitats for our patients to reduce their stress as they recover, it definitely helps to have a partner to help get you through recovery.
Case in point: these two Lesser Goldfinches... Both these beauties arrived in early January with extensive bruising. In addition, one had a fractured keel and the other had fractures to the furcula (the wishbone that fuses the clavicles together). All of their injuries were consistent with impact trauma.
The first patient experienced a rocky start with considerable swelling and bruising as well as evidence of potential neurologic trauma. To complicate matters further, he became adept at finagling his way out of the wing and body wraps intended to stabilize his broken keel. As a result, he was just starting to progress two weeks later when patient #2 arrived.
This goldfinch also received pain medications and oxygen, though while goldfinch #1 progressed slowly, he progressed quickly. On February 3rd, they were moved into an outdoor aviary together to continue their recovery.
We were delighted to see them bond as together they continue to heal and gain strength and mobility. Daily checks usually find them chattering at each other as they share a perch. It's obvious this pairing has helped them both and we look forward to their complete recoveries and return to the wild!
While these stories are wonderful, the greatest love story of all is the one starring you, our wonderful community of supporters! Your generosity continues to save lives.