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Whether it’s working in the hospital, answering phones, or any of the many other things volunteers participate in, there is always plenty to do. Take a look below to see how you can put your skills and energy to work and truly make a difference.

Hospital Volunteer

Volunteering in our hospital puts you on the front lines working directly with our patients.

You will work with as many as 120 different species learning how and what to feed as you prep diets, feed birds, change nesting materials, and handle general cleaning such as laundry and dishes. You will also learn about creating habitat enrichment to reduce stress levels and promote faster and more complete recoveries.

This work can be intense—especially during Baby Bird Season—but the rewards are many. Knowing you personally helped return a bird to the wild is a feeling like no other.


Volunteer Application

Thank you for your submission! We will be in touch shortly.

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